Author Archives: Jayne Hembruff

Yoga helps prison inmates by teaching them techniques to reduce stress, think more calmly and control their emotions.

Did you know yoga has helped prison inmates by teaching them techniques to reduce stress, think more calmly and control their emotions. WOW!…. what a powerful testimonial for yoga. Thank you 90 year old Sister McInnes for creating and delivering your prison yoga program to help our inmates. Now, lets get proactive and begin launching […]

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Pre Natal Yoga: Pelvic Floor Pain Relief

Pelvic Floor Pain During Pregnancy Ladies, I feel your pain. I had this during my third pregnancy. Thankfully, I found relief through yoga. So did some of my clients who also experienced pelvic floor pain. Remember, only try the poses if your medical professional stated it is ok to go into these ranges of motion. […]

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6 THINGS THAT?LL HELP YOUR KIDS GET PERFORM AT THEIR BEST THIS YEAR…SOME SAY IT MAY EVEN LEAD TO STRAIGHT A?S 1. –Pack FRESH fruit and veggies in their lunches. Children who eat lots of fruits, veggies and whole grains score higher on tests than kids who eat lots of fast food and similar fare, […]

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When is the best time for yoga?

When is the best time for yoga?? Anytime. The best time for yoga in my opinion really depends on your schedule, what you are hoping to achieve from your yoga practice and what time makes you feel the best. Traditional yogis and leading exercise researchers state morning is the best for yoga. ?This idea is […]

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“Jayne is like no other yoga teacher I have seen before; she is funny! We were laughing?and enjoying ourselves”-Anne? “Jayne is knowledgable, her tips really helped me …”-Sue ? ?”I really enjoyed your session”?- Lill P. “Best Speaker ever!!!” “You connected with and empowered everyone in the room.” – R.R. “You have inspired and motivated […]

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Innovative Wellness Promotion

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Tools to help your Anxious Children and/or Teens

It is important to have a variety of tools to access especially when life challenges us. However, what do you do when your child or teen experiences?excessive anxiety, fear or worry, causing them either to avoid situations that might precipitate the anxiety or to develop compulsive rituals that lessen the anxiety? Everyone feels anxious in […]

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What are you serving at your training sessions and meetings?

What are you serving at your meetings and training sessions? Most meetings and training sessions serve bagels, croissants, donuts and other sugar filled items. These items are tasty, addictive and relatively cheap; however they often result in people not remembering what was said in the meeting or training session, spike blood sugar levels, increase inflammation, […]

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Exercise Positively Influences our ability to Learn, Concentrate, Remember, and our Mood and Behavior

Did you know exercise increases physical activity plus positively influences your learning, concentration, memory, mood and behavior? Dr John Ratey, Professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School states ?Exercise positively affects learning in many different way such a as helping make the learner get ready to learn by stimulating the brain cells, decreases stress levels […]

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Yoga for Knee Pain

If you suffer from?knee pain, your body may be out of alignment. To improve your posture and reduce pressure on your knees, do core strength training exercises and focus on standing tall instead of slouching. Practicing yoga poses such as plank, cobra, yoga crunches will help build your core. Mountain pose is a great pose […]

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