Tag Archives: mental health

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Raising Resilient Kids in the Digital Age A Webinar for Parents & Caregivers


Click to see pdf of poster Digital Age Webinar Building Resilient Communities – Screen Time Description 21st century technology plays an important role in the lives of children, youth, and their families – especially during a pandemic. Social media and video games can support our relationships and connections with others and offer an outlet for […]

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Steps to Stop the Silence around Suicide and Mental Health walk Elora to Ottawa


Innovative Wellness is proud to support Neil Dunsmore in his Steps to Stop the Silence around Suicide & Mental Health. He is walking 500km from Elora to Ottawa. We were there at the start finish and midway too. September 5, 2020 Innovative Wellness was there to kick off the walk with Neil in Elora at […]

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Workplace Strategies for Mental Health


The Workplace Strategies for Mental Health website is an initiative of the Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace (the Centre). It provides practical ideas, tools and resources from a variety of sources, and is designed to help with the prevention, intervention and management of workplace mental health issues. https://www.workplacestrategiesformentalhealth.com/managing-workplace-issues/supporting-employee-success-a-tool-to-plan-accommodations A research team […]

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Putting an elephant in a teapot ?. ? develop and deliver proactive and prevention based programs for mental health


Mental health is being talked about to help with?the elephant in the?room, however, for ?some, they ?say ” it is like putting an elephant in a teapot” referring to the frustration of limited resources. One in five Canadians are experiencing a mental health issue. ?70% of mental health problems have their onset during childhood or […]

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Yoga helps prison inmates by teaching them techniques to reduce stress, think more calmly and control their emotions.

Did you know yoga has helped prison inmates by teaching them techniques to reduce stress, think more calmly and control their emotions. WOW!…. what a powerful testimonial for yoga. Thank you 90 year old Sister McInnes for creating and delivering your prison yoga program to help our inmates. Now, lets get proactive and begin launching […]

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Social Contact Promotes Enhanced Health, Well-being and Longevity & Partner Yoga

Social contact promotes enhanced health and well-being states Coan, Schaefer and Davidson. In addition, a researcher on Canada Am today (March 25, 2013) stated friends and social contact helps us live longer. Therefore, it only stands to reason then that partner yoga and would also help to?enhanced health, well-being, and longevity. Source: Coan, J., Schaefer, […]

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