Raising Resilient Kids in the Digital Age A Webinar for Parents & Caregivers
Click to see pdf of poster Digital Age Webinar
Building Resilient Communities – Screen Time
21st century technology plays an important role in the lives of children, youth, and their families – especially during a pandemic. Social media and video games can support our relationships and connections with others and offer an outlet for learning and creativity. However, there are risks associated with our highly digital culture. In this webinar, Chris Vollum will share his ideas with parents and caregivers about how to promote digital wellness. Following the keynote presentation, we will hear from a mental health expert, a parent, and a youth about their experiences with social media and gaming, and they will share practical suggestions for being resilient in a digital age.
Date & Time:
May 31, 2022 06:30 PM
Click to Register
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Webinar put on by CMHA WW , PCMHA, and other partners
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