Mental Health And COVID-19 – Information And Resources
Mental Health And COVID-19
Canadian Mental Health Association
All care options are taking place using virtual care options.
My needs | What do I do? |
I am in crisis, or I need help and I am not currently connected to CMHA services | Call 1-844-HERE247 |
I need help, but I am not in crisis | If you have a CMHA Staff contact, please contact them at their extension or call CMHA reception at 1-844-CMHA-WW3 (264-2993). |
Innovative Wellness V irtual Classes
We cannot control forced provincial closures, however, we can choose how we react. Some ways Innovative Wellness would like to help you stay healthy mentally, physically and emotionally.
De-stress, stretch, strengthen and have some fun with us virtually.
Since 2006, I have taught yoga full time and specialize working with people of all ages who are struggling with their mental and physical wellness.
Since March 16, we have been delivering private classes via phone, FaceTime, Zoom, GoogleChat, FaceBook VideoChat. Also open to delivering via Zoom.
To set up a virtual class just Contact Us
Request the style of class that suits your needs the best:
- Chair Yoga
- Back Care Basics
- De-Stress
- Family Yoga
- Foot Care and Foot Strengthening
- Relax, Rejuvenate & Restore
- Stiff Bodies
- Therapeutic
- Yogilates
- Yoga & Cardio Blast
- YogaSculpt
In addition, i have posted some yoga videos on FaceBook in a group called Innovative Wellness Yoga Live Stream. http://Innovative Wellness Yoga Live Stream
Due to the new provincial State of emergency announcement on March 17 8:30am, we are now only offering virtual classes.
Mental Health And COVID-19 – Information And Resources
As the number of cases of COVID-19 increase, so does the associated anxiety.
For the general public, the mental health effects of COVID-19 are as important to address as are the physical health effects. And for the one in five who already have mental health conditions – or the one in two who are at risk of developing them – we need to take personal, professional, and policy measures now to address them.
For the past several weeks, MHA has been using its unique database to monitor daily this increase in anxiety. According to our screening data, we experienced a 19 percent increase in screening for clinical anxiety in the first weeks of February, and a 12 percent increase in the first two weeks of March.
This suggests that our screeners are not just “worried well.” Instead they represent thousands of people whose lives and sense of well-being are being severely impacted by concerns about the virus.
As things unfold in the coming days and weeks, MHA will continue to monitor anxiety.
To aid individuals and communities during this time, MHA has compiled a range of resources and information.
Mental Health Information For Disease Outbreaks
Living With Mental Illness During COVID-19 Outbreak– Preparing For Your Wellness
This webpage provides information and wellness tips for individuals living with mental health conditions during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Medication Access During COVID-19
Changes and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 can make it difficult to know what to do to make sure you have access to needed medications. Here are some tips and pieces of information to help you prepare and care for yourself or your loved ones
Managing Stress and Anxiety related to COVID-19
Tips For Social Distancing, Quarantine, And Isolation During An Infectious Disease Outbreak
COVID-19: Potential Implications for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
Coronavirus and Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreak Response
These fact sheets provide information and recommendations for healthcare personnel, families, leaders, and businesses to address the psychological and behavioral health impacts of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak
These mental health considerations were developed by the WHO Mental Health Department as support for mental and psychological well-being during COVID-19 outbreak.
Frequently Asked Questions on Mental Health, Mental Illness, and COVID-19
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) created a document to help guide individuals that have specific questions about their mental health situations.
Dermatillomania During COVID-19
Risk of COVID-19 may be anxiety inducing and you may be experiencing a harder time managing your Dermatillomania as a result. The CDC’s encouragement to “not touch your face” can be particularly hard and even triggering if you struggle with Skin Picking Disorder. Here are some ways to cope from the Picking Me Foundation.
Mental health and wellness during a public health crisis
Dr. LaGenia Bailey, former DBSA board member, discusses tips on how to stay well during this public health crisis. In this podcast, she addresses benefits of mindfulness practice, lifestyle habits, and ways to stay connected with others to avoid isolation.
When Home Becomes The Workplace: Mental Health And Remote Work
Protecting Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19: Mental health in the age of coronavirus
Impact of Novel Coronavirus Pandemic on Mental Health (Webinar)
Q&A on Mental Health during COVID-19 with WHO expert Aiysha Malik
In this special three-part COVID-19 Crisis series, Dr. Lieberman of Columbia University speaks with renowned experts who have expertise in relevant disciplines that pertain to this COVID-19 pandemic.
Financial Support
COVID-19 Ancillary Costs
The HealthWell Foundation just announced a COVID-19 Fund that provides up to $250 in assistance with ancillary costs associated with COVID-19. Grants awarded through the fund will provide reimbursement assistance to at risk or quarantined individuals for delivered food, medication, telehealth copays and transportation costs associated with COVID-19.
Tools And Information On Anxiety
Mental Health Screening Tools
One of the quickest and easiest ways to tell if you are experiencing a mental health condition is to take an online screen. MHA has nine different screening tools for mental health conditions on our site, including anxiety.
Anxiety Information and Support
Care for your Coronavirus Anxiety
Meditations and Calming Exercises
Tools To Connect With Others
Social Support: Getting And Staying Connected
MHA’s Inspire Community
An online community where people can connect with others. MHA hosts a dedicated mental health community, but there are communities related to a variety of topics.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)’s Online Support Groups
Lyf App
Lyf is a social media app where users share highly personal aspects of themselves without the fear of judgment. It’s the one app where you can be yourself or write anonymously and people won’t degrade or bring you down.
Unlike a hotline for those in immediate crisis, warmlines provide early intervention with emotional support that can prevent a crisis. The lines are typically free, confidential peer-support services staffed by those who have experienced mental health conditions themselves. Find a warmline in your area at
Resources For Immediate Response
Disaster Distress Helpline
Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746.The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) provides crisis counseling and support for anyone in the U.S. experiencing distress or other behavioral health concerns related to any natural or human-caused disaster, including public health emergencies.
Crisis Text Line
Text MHA to 741741 and you’ll be connected to a trained Crisis Counselor. Crisis Text Line provides free, text-based support 24/7.
The Trevor Project
Call 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678678. A national 24-hour, toll free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth.
Dial 2-1-1
If you need assistance finding food, paying for housing bills, accessing free childcare, or other essential services, visit or dial 211 to speak to someone who can help. Run by the United Way.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
For any victims and survivors who need support, call 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-799-7233 for TTY, or if you’re unable to speak safely, you can log onto or text LOVEIS to 22522.
Resources For Mental Health Providers
A Guide to Transitioning Your Clinic to a Remote Work Environment
Medicare Telehealth Healthcare Provider Fact Sheet
Use of Telemedicine While Providing Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) Guidance
COVID-19 and Opioid Treatment Programs FAQ
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Response and 42 CFR Part 2 Guidance
Resources For Parents
Talking to Kids about COVID-19
Cómo hablar con los niños sobre el coronavirus
Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
Supporting Kids During the COVID-19 Crisis
How to Avoid Passing Anxiety on to Your Kids
Talking to Kids about Fear and Violence
The Parent Guide to Resilience
List of Live Webcams, Virtual Tours, and Virtual Field Trips
Scholastic Learn at Home Free Resources
Smithsonian Distance Learning Resources
Virtual Field Trips from Discovery Education
Free Learning Resources from Lakeshore Learning Materials
List of Education Companies Offering Free Subscriptions due to School Closings
Resources For Caregivers
Caregiving for a Person with a Mental Illness
Care for Caregivers: Tips for Families and Educators
National Alliance for Caregiving
Resources For Older Adults
Do Your Part to Stem COVID-19: An Intergenerational Call to Action
How-To Articles
How to Deal with Coronavirus Anxiety
Deal with the Coronavirus Outbreak: Your Most Common Questions Answered
How To Talk To Kids About Coronavirus
General Information About COVID-19
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Hub from the CDC
Fact Sheets on COVID-19 in Spanish and Other Languages
Coronavisrus (COVID-19) Situation Report from the World Health Organization (WHO)
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public
Preguntas y respuestas sobre la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19)
American Psychological Association (APA) Resources on Pandemics
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