United Nations – Health and Wellbeing for all -Sustainable Development Goal #3
It was a great to be one of the Catalysts at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Youth Training November 18, 2017.
The UN SDG coordinators shared they chose Innovative Wellness since we “addresses personal interaction for wellness. Facilitate and inspire on a broad audience. – Promoting things like suicide prevention – Fitness and well-being for all ages – People with special abilities – Family programs – Body based and mind based programs”
My role was to share my experiences as a local change agent in the areas of health and well-being. I shared how health and well being was the whole person – physical, mental and social. Then to facilitate discussion around a ‘problem’ they have witnessed and brainstorm a solution.
Our health and well-being group openly shared they have noticed a rise in students with anxiety and depression. They brainstormed some potential ways to improve speed and access to service, how to improve knowledge of service available and suggested a peer to peer support throughout University (vs 1st year paired with 4th year than support leaves). I am hopeful that the group will take their great ideas and implement them at WLU.
Prior to the Catalyst session, we began the morning with Anne-Marie Henry Coordinator, Global Engagement Programming, WLU (Waterloo)
Ben Yang, Director, Global Engagement, Laurier International, WLU (https://www.wlu.ca/about/careers-at-laurier/news/2015/staff-spotlight-director-of-global-engagement-ben-yang-appreciates-lauriers-culture-and-community.html)
Ben’s message was simple yet powerful. “Everyone can do a little bit”. So true.
Steve Lee, a passionate filled 24 year year old climate change activist, a policy advocate to the United Nations, and a global speaker. He is the Executive Director of FES (Foundation for Environmental Stewardship) and its 3% Project, which mobilizes 1,000,000 Canadian youth – that’s 3% of Canada – through 5 national tours across 600 schools. ( http://www.steveleesj.com/#home-page )
Steve shared how the UN SDGs came to be, and shared about advocacy and local implementation.
He shared:
Sept 25, 2017 193 countries adopted UN SDGs
Dec 12, 2015 Paris Agreement.
5P’s : People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity, Partnership
He shared Goal #3 Health & Wellbeing focus is on inclusion of ALL. Don’t leave anyone behind. Importance of including the marginalized. I shared with my group how Innovative Wellness focus is exactly this. For example our Wednesday 10:30am Free Seniors Community Chair Yoga that is followed by social time over coffee and light snack.
Ask end users what is important to them. Photo showing chart showing what important issues for youth.
Do not impose what you think is the best solution! That is what we did n=in the past and it did not work out the best.
If use twitter with #CANYouth4SDGs then they can see how engaged youth are around SDGsS teve highlighted the importance of using social media to obtain engagement data.
Join https://www.facebook.com/events/160311051201882
While talking about clean water initiatives around the world, Steve shared a great campaign in India called “Take the Poo to the Loo” (watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_peUxE_BKcU
July 17, 2017 Comedian Pikotaro performed a new version of his viral hit “PPAP” at a U.N conference here devoted to sustainable development. Pikotaro performed “PPAP for SDG” at a reception on the evening of July 17 with a group of children. The title is a reference to his hit “PPAP,” or Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen.
Steve and I
Bruce Knots shared his many many roles as ambassador for UN and helping to promote equal rights for all. He also shared the Power of questions and the importance of asking open ended questions to make real change. He gave the example about making changes for LGBQT..best to ask “what are you policies and practices about LGBQT. https://www.uua.org/offices/staff/internationalresources/uu-uno/staff-bios
Aniquah Zowmi, 22 year old Youth Advisor to the Canadian Commission for UNESCO/UN Sustainable Development Goals Advocate/ Asoka Change Maker
Got us to identify a “problem” we had, then come up with creative solutions (even if not plausible), then deliver a mini pitch
I was in a group with 4 University students, one high school student. Our problem was the 11 hour drive to Montreal.
The group solution was , special pencil that we could draw a door and teleport to Montreal. It was perfect, zero emissions, pencil made with sustainable products and cost effective for all, and improve our health since no commuter stress. I am hoping to use this idea in a few days 😉
The speaker reminded us not to just create a solution but to understand the real needs of the user.
She gave the example of one group noticing it took 3 hours for kids to walk to well for water and 3 hours back. The well was build but not used. The adults wanted time away from the kids since lived in one big hut. A better solution was to build a school – this helped to educate the kids and gave parents time away from the kids.
Next was the Catalyst session. There were catalyst for all 17 SDGs. I was one of the Catalyst for SDG#3 – Health and well-being for all.
I was happy to share about all the exciting stuff Innovative Wellness does to incorporate all. Like my family based programs like Body Brain Balance geared to be a proactive approach to learning effective tools for families who feel overwhelmed, worried or stressed, family yoga, working in hospital with people recovering from mental health challenges, being an advocate for mental wellness (stomp out stigma, walk for mental wellness, suicide prevention day).
Can you see me holding SDG #3 sign? I’m next to Bruce Knotts
Then one of the students in my group shared her pitch for SDG#3
Have you heard of an initiative called 111. On January 11th, make it a meatless day.
Give it a try. There are so many delicious meals that are plant based. If you are a meat eater, try to cook it on special occasions.
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