Tag Archives: teens

Stress = Bad Decisions ….what can you do?

Do you feel stress leads to bad decisions? Several recent studies show that stress impairs our ability to make decisions. When we feel stressed, we go into fight-flight-freeze mode. In this state, we really feel like we’re being chased by a lion, even if the “danger” looming is just the stress of everyday life like […]

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Teens Enjoying Family Yoga


Enjoying Family Yoga with my Teens

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Parenting Young Adults & Teens Conference Saturday May 27, 2017 Guelph


For more information about the Conference visit http://guelphparenting.com

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Yoga helps prison inmates by teaching them techniques to reduce stress, think more calmly and control their emotions.

Did you know yoga has helped prison inmates by teaching them techniques to reduce stress, think more calmly and control their emotions. WOW!…. what a powerful testimonial for yoga. Thank you 90 year old Sister McInnes for creating and delivering your prison yoga program to help our inmates. Now, lets get proactive and begin launching […]

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