Sleep Aid
Sleep Aid Audio & Classes: Restful Sleep for a Healthy Life
Are you struggling with sleep due to chronic pain, stress, or fear? Discover the transformative power of Sleep Aid Audio, a restful sleep solution that incorporates therapeutic yoga techniques. As a trauma-informed therapeutic yoga instructor who personally experienced challenges with sleep after a motor vehicle accident, I developed this program to help others overcome sleep disturbances and improve their overall well-being.
Book a Session: Join us for an in-person, virtual, or on-location sleep aid session. Our expert instructors will guide you through gentle yoga poses and breathing exercises to promote deep relaxation and better sleep.
Download Sleep Aid Audio: Can’t make it to a session? Purchase our downloadable Sleep Aid Audio and experience the benefits of restful sleep in the comfort of your own home. Listen to the guided yoga practices whenever and wherever you need them.
Customer Testimonials: Our satisfied customers have experienced remarkable improvements in their sleep patterns after using Sleep Aid Audio. They have overcome pain-induced sleeplessness and found relaxation and relief from anxiety and depression. Discover the positive impact of this audio program for yourself.
Unlock the Power of Yoga: Yoga is a natural and non-pharmaceutical option to combat insomnia and promote relaxation. With gentle yoga poses, breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques, you can quiet your mind and find inner peace for a peaceful night’s sleep.
Create Your Relaxing Sleep Environment: Enhance your sleep environment by removing electronic devices, clutter, and stress-inducing items from your bedroom. Embrace the tranquility of a peaceful setting that promotes deep rest and rejuvenation.
Consistency is Key: Consistently following a sleep schedule is vital for achieving a restful night’s sleep. Maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends, to wake up refreshed and energized every day.
Embrace the Power of Restful Sleep Experience the life-changing benefits of restful sleep with Sleep Aid Audio. Empower yourself with therapeutic yoga practices that will transform your sleep and improve your overall health and well-being. Take control of your sleep patterns and start enjoying the countless benefits of a good night’s rest.
Transform Your Sleep Today:
Don’t let sleep deprivation affect your quality of life any longer. Embrace the power of sleep with Sleep Aid Audio and start your journey to better sleep and enhanced well-being. Book your Sleep Aid Workshop now and embark on a path to rejuvenation and a healthier, happier life.
Sleep deprivation can lead to decreased immune system response, irritability, depression, accelerated aging and nervousness. You may also overeat, take in too many stimulants such as caffeine and energy drinks and skip exercise because you are too tired.
To ensure you get a good nights rest, keep your bedtime and wake up time consistent even on days off and weekends.
Customers write
” I have to thank you – I have actually slept through the nights- I haven’t slept well for 3 weeks due to lower back and hip pain. It was wonderful to get some good sleep ”
“ We wanted to let you know how helpful your Sleep Aid CD has been to?assist us to?relax into sleep. We use it quite frequently and it has been extremely helpful.” – SW
“Sleep Aid is wonderful. Both my mom and I love it.” -Debbie
” Sleep Aid helps me get a good night’s sleep. Before I never use to be able to get to sleep and stay asleep.” – Monica
“My anxiety and depression make it difficult to fall asleep. Sleep Aid Audio is downloaded onto my smart phone and I play it wherever I am – now I am able to go to sleep no matter where I am.” –Kat
Having troubles sleeping Try Sleep Aid Audio, it is an audio that guides your through simple yoga poses and breathing.
Researchers recommended clinicians should consider prescribing yoga to people reporting impaired sleep and fatigue. (Source: Journal of Clinical Oncology. )
A good night’s sleep is essential for health. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day will allow you to wake up refreshed and energized. Unfortunately, many people are sleep deprived, This can affect performance, mood, concentration, memory recall, stress, depression, and anxiety levels. Lack of sleep is also associated with increased pain, inflammation, and weight gain.
Lack of sleep increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and irregular heartbeats, and increases the risk of diabetes. In extreme cases, prolonged sleep deprivation can induce hallucinations, memory loss and confusion all of which are also symptoms associated with mental health challenges.
Sleep Aid Audio MP3 was created after clients reported doing evening gentle yoga poses and yoga breathing resulted in a good nights sleep and several of these clients requesting a Sleep Aid Audio.
Sleep Aid Workshop 
Contact us to book your Sleep Aid Workshop
A to Zzzz’s of Sleep
Why sleep matters now more than ever…..Ted Talk
Stress can affect kids’ and adults sleep. Learn to relax with deep breathing before bed. ?You can also start learning good ways to manage stress during the day with yoga and deep breathing.
To promote restful sleep, create a sleeping environment that is relaxing and peaceful. Remove electronics, clutter or items that create a feeling of stress.
Wake up the same time everyday. Research shows it will help you feel better. If you would like to further lift your mood and energy, try adding in at least 20 minutes of moderate exercise.
10pm is the recommended time to sleep to get the best sleep.
Did you know you burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV.
Yoga can be used as a non-pharmaceutical option to treat insomnia by taping into yoga’s breathing, and other techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, various poses that relax and sooth the body. All these help quiet “Chitta” (chatter inside the mind and body). It helps one to refocus the mind
In June,Mel Stevens shared with me “To Sleep – Perchance To Dream..?“
British writer Thomas Dekker once described sleep as,The golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.?
For many people living with insomnia, that golden chain is broken and as a result their health and wellbeing suffers a major disconnect. This distressing condition can be a particular problem for those receiving treatment for substance abuse issues. Just when it seems that success is within touching distance in terms of overcoming the demons of drugs, alcohol or whatever else they have been dependent on, sleeplessness arises as a new problem to tackle. Wary of embracing a solution which involves medication they struggle on without help. This can be a dangerous strategy as it has been proven that sleep disturbance can be a significant factor in relapsing into old patterns of addiction. This article lifts the lid on the prevalence of insomnia in recovering addicts and demonstrates that for this group of individuals they are far from alone. By providing an understanding of why the condition frequently occurs and an insight into how it can be treated naturally, the article provides people who are recovering from substance dependence with reassurance that they can win this battle without turning to medication. With practical solutions such as sleep schedules and relaxation techniques this article is essential reading for anyone who wants to re-establish a routine of restful and restorative sleep. For more information, read on here:
June 16, 2015 Tweet by?The Globe and Mail ?@globeandmail
Six hours of sleep is too little; 10 is too much. (If you’re reading this now?go to sleep!) Beauty sleep does exist.
Researchers at UCLA have found losing just? one night’s slumber causes your body to age prematurely…and could?put you at risk of disease. In fact, going to bed too late, waking up
too early, or getting up throughout the night is enough to trigger the
aging process.
According to Dr. Philip Tierno of New York University Medical Center, your body makes the most immune-strengthening repairs to our cells during the last and longest period of REM sleep, which begins after approximately 7 hours of sleep.
For a good night’s rest sleep in a dark, cool room, stop eating at least 2 hours before bedtime, establish a bedtime routine and maintain a relaxing environment in your bedroom. Also try full yoga breathing and present moment awareness. I
New research out of Australia suggests men need their sleep if they?re to live a long life. Women, on the other hand, can live long lives despite poor sleep habits, as long as they eat a diverse diet that includes vitamin B6 and plenty of vegetables.To ensure a good nights sleep,?eliminate all electronic equipment from your bedroom. Remove computers, televisions, faxes and radios. Electronics generate a constant electromagnetic field that can negatively affect your sleep.
Sleep deprivation?will affect your mood, energy levels, and bodily functions and accelerate the aging process. It is important to get at least 7 hours of sleep daily.
Harvard researchers have found that low light levels stimulate the pineal gland to secrete melatonin. Keeping the lights low for a few hours before bedtime can help you fall asleep easily.
When the long day has left you physically drained but you?re too wound up to truly relax, give yourself a quick ear rub.? Researchers say taking 1 minute to firmly massage each ear (from the top down to the lobe) can help you shift into a serene, sleepy state.?And if you wake in the middle of the night, the same soothing massage could have you back in dreamland in as little as 5 minutes.?The researchers say that activating acupressure points in the outer ear prompts the formation of relaxing alpha brain waves.
Fall is here! And it’s the perfect time to adjust your sleep schedule and get more rest. Take advantage of the earlier sunsets and turn in 10 minutes earlier each night. After a week, you’ll be getting an extra hour of rest.
Researchers at the University of California used brain scans to find a lack of sleep causes changes in brain activity, leading people to feel hungrier and crave more fattening foods.? Participants who got a full night?s sleep did not show the same results in MRI testing.
THE LATEST STATUS SYMBOL: SLEEP DEPRIVATION??A British magazine says sleep deprivation is the new status symbol, because it?s seen as proof you can have it all. But experts warn against falling prey to collective fatigue syndrome, and point out that women need 20 minutes more sleep a night than men because they multi-task so much during the day. If you are having troubles sleeping try my Sleep Aid Audio.?
University of Southern California 2012 study of young investment bankers suggests that punishing hours, and resulting sleep deprivation, contributed to physical and emotional ailments within four years on the job. (Source:January 23, 2013 Wall Street Journal)
Adults should get seven to eight hours every night.?Less affects concentration and health. Make sleep a priority and keep a regular schedule (2011, WebMD).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 40.6 million American workers, or 30% of the civilian workforce, don’t get enough rest. And the Harvard scientists estimated in 2011 that sleep deprivation costs U.S. companies $63.2 billion in lost productivity per year, mainly because of “presenteeism,” people showing up for work but operating at subpar levels
National Sleep Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and “Insomnia and the Performance of U.S. Workers,” Sleep, 2011
- 43% of Americans between 13 and 64 say they rarely or never get a good night’s sleep on weeknights
- 60% of Americans say they experience a sleep problem every night or almost every night, such as waking in the night, waking up too early, or feeling un-refreshed when they get up in the morning
- 61% of Americans say they use a computer at least a few nights a week within an hour of going to bed
- Americans drink, on average, three 12-ounce caffeinated beverages on a weekday
- 74% of workers over 30 who report not getting adequate sleep say that sleepiness affects their work
- 9% of Americans say they are likely to fall asleep at an inappropriate moment, such as during a meeting or while driving
- 71% of Americans say they have a television in their bedrooms
- 11% of those with televisions in the bedroom say they keep the TV on all night
- 39% of Americans say they have a computer in their bedrooms
- 40.6 million American workers ? 30% of the civilian workforce ? sleep less than 6 hours per night (“short sleep duration”)
- The problem is particularly acute for night-shift workers: 44% of them sleep less than 6 hours per night, compared with 28.8% of people who work typical daytime hours
- Workers between the ages of 30 and 64 were more likely to report short sleep duration; workers over 65 were least likely to report short sleep duration
- Workers with college degrees or more education were least likely to report short sleep duration
- Segmenting the data industry by industry, workers reported anywhere from 24.1% (other services, except public administration) to 41.6% (mining) incidence of short sleep duration. Some industries relevant to our readership: finance and insurance industry (27.4%); professional, scientific,and technical services (28.2%); and information (28.3%)
- 23.2% of American workers suffer from insomnia
- People with insomnia did not report higher levels of absenteeism compared to non-sufferers, but reported significantly higher levels of presenteeism (lower productivity while at work)
- Workers with insomnia lost an average of 7.8 days of work performance per year due to presenteeism related directly to sleep problems
- Generalizing to the total U.S. Workforce, insomnia costs American companies $63.2 billion
Impaired sleep quality (SQ) and fatigue are the most prevalent and troublesome side effects experienced by cancer survivors and both significantly impair quality of life (QOL). 4-week (wk) yoga intervention (2 x’s/wk; 75 min./session) ??significantly improves sleep quality , fatigue, and quality of life ?while reducing sleep medication use among survivors. Researchers recommended clinicians should consider prescribing yoga for survivors reporting impaired sleep and fatigue. *Source: Journal of Clinical Oncology. Vol 28, No 15, 2010:9013 American Society of Clinical Oncology. Research by?University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY; Cancer Center of Kansas, Wichita, KS; Academic Surgical Associates, Grand Rapids, MI; Cancer Centers of the Carolinas, Seneca, SC?
4 Ways Sleep Can Dramatically Improve Your Life
In the 10 years that I have been hosting our radio show, I’ve spoken to at least a dozen experts in the field of sleep and sleep deprivation. We’ve broadcast countless studies connecting a lack of sleep to pretty much everything that ails us. But in the spirit of giving you some bullet points you can use immediately (and share with your family), here are the top 4 ways a better night’s sleep will improve everything in your life:
1. Your brain will be sharper. That?s because skimping on sleep can literally age your brain by 7 years! In a recent study, middle-aged adults who got less than 6 hours of sleep a night scored equal to senior citizens on tests of memory, reasoning, and vocabulary. I’m in the middle of reading Dr. Daniel Amen’s book, Change your Brain, Change your Body. He has performed thousands of brain scans on sleep deprived people, and the scans show a consistent connection between sleep deprivation and early onset Alzheimer’s disease.
2. You’ll have a better relationship. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine studied the sleeping habits of adults and found that poor sleepers were more likely to nitpick and fight with their spouses compared to adults who slept soundly.
3. A good night’s sleep will make you a nicer person. A recent study in the Academy of Management Journal found that exhaustion increases unethical behavior like lying and cheating. And a lack of sleep also makes people ruder.
4. Sleep will make you thinner, and better looking! According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, adults who sleep less than 5 hours a night are 32% more likely to be overweight or obese. That’s because a lack of sleep increases production of the hunger hormone ghrelin, which makes you hungrier and more likely to overeat. And pictures of well-rested people were rated as more attractive by strangers, compared to pictures of the same people when they were sleep-deprived.
Tip for Better Sleep:
1. Shut off screen devices an hour before bed because the blue light emitted by the screens interferes with production of the sleep hormone melatonin.
2.Eat enough food and the ?right? foods (whole natural foods, protein and complex carbohydrates) throughout the day.
3.Drink enough water throughout the day. Have at least two cups of water an hour or more before a planned physical activity. Then, sip throughout your workout and afterwards drink another two cups.
4.As a child becomes a teen, their sleep cycle changes. They become more alert in the evening and sleepier in the morning. Work with those changes. Let your teen do homework at night and sleep later if she can. Teens still need at least 8.5 hours of sleep (Source: WebMD)
5.Adequate sleep is essential for good health.?To ensure a good night’s rest avoid eating shortly before bedtime. The process of digestion requires a lot of energy and may keep you up. Try doing some deep yoga breathing before you sleep. If you would like assistance with this check out my Sleep Aid Audio
Fascinating Facts about Sleep:
As you age you need the same amount of sleep. Most adults need around 8 hours of sleep. As you get older, you may still need 8 hours of sleep, but you might sleep lighter and struggle to get the hours you need in one block. Older adults wake up more often and stay awake longer. Good sleep habits, such as staying away from caffeine and alcohol and going to bed at night when you’re tired, can help.
We have five stages of sleep. Those stages together make up one cycle, which lasts around 90 minutes total. ?Therefore if you go to bed at 10 p.m., you may feel more refreshed at 5:30 than you would if you got a full 8 hours of sleep because you?re getting up at the end of a cycle.
Getting out of bed can be hard if your alarm goes off in the middle of a sleep cycle. Experts recommend try setting a wake-up time that?s a multiple of 90.
If you go to bed at 10 p.m., you may feel more refreshed at 5:30 than you would if you got a full 8 hours of sleep because you?re getting up at the end of a cycle.
REM facts:
You can?t move during REM Sleep. REM, or rapid eye movement sleep, is the last of the five stages of sleep. During REM sleep, muscles in your arms and legs are temporarily paralyzed. When people wake up from REM they often say they?ve had vivid and bizarre dreams. Not being able to move may prevent you from acting out your dreams.
Dream 2 hours. Scientists don?t know much about how or why you dream, but they do know how much time you spend doing it. For most people, it?s more than 2 hours each night. Dreams almost always happen during REM sleep. Most mammals and birds show signs of REM sleep. Reptiles and other cold-blooded animals don?t.
Naps and sleep. It might be tempting to nap the afternoon away, but you should limit your daytime shuteye to 30 to 60 minutes. If you sleep for longer, you might fall into deep sleep and have a hard time waking up. Many people who nap say they are more alert in the afternoon and evening. But napping too long can make you stay up later and sleep less at night.
Keep light off during middle of night washroom trip. Turning on a light when you get up could hurt your sleep. At night, your body produces a hormone called melatonin, which makes you drowsy. This usually starts around 9 p.m. Melatonin is produced only in places that are dimly lit. Bright indoor lighting ? like the kind in bathrooms ? can block the release of melatonin. It can also be affected by lesser light from TVs, computers, tablets, and smartphones.
When humans sleep, so does their entire brain. When dolphins and whales sleep, a part of their brain stays awake. They need to stay conscious so they can surface out of the water to breathe.
Source: WebMD
If you prefer a CD of the sleep aid, please contact me.
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