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Therapeutic Yoga

& Trauma Informed


To register Contact us

Welcome Spring 203 

We are welcoming spring, with a FREE  Mindfulness Webinar next Monday, March 27th at 10:30am, followed by a gentle chair yoga class.

Our guest presenters are from the University of Western  Master of Science (MSc) program. Varsha & Ben, MSc Graduate and certified Mindfulness Ambassador will share some mindfulness practices with participants; share the science about the benefits of mindfulness; as well as tips on how to integrate mindfulness into your life.

To register Contact us

Private & Group

Trauma Informed Therapeutic Yoga 

to help you, your family and friends by inspiring positive results 


Private Classes

It’s easy to book your private class, just Contact Us

You choose the day, time, location, and package that will help you achieve your personal goals. We customize every private class to meet your needs.

We make house calls; bring yoga to you.


Spring 2023 Schedule:

In-Person Small Group Classes

Max: 4 people in studio

Location: Innovative Wellness Home Studio, 262 Casswell Court, Waterloo, Ontario

10:30am Yoga for Healthy Aging Chair Yoga & BoneFit Monday

10am  Therapeutic Back Care Basics Tuesday & Thursday

11:30am  Therapeutic Restorative Yoga Sunday & Friday

Register for In Person class by Contacting us

Fee: Request lates fees when you contact us. We accept e-transfers.

We encourage you to bring your own yoga props (yoga mat, blocks, strap, balls, eye pillow, blanket, towel).

If you do not have your own yoga props, no problem, we can rent or sell you a yoga kit.

Community Class….

10am  Yoga for Healthy Aging Chair Yoga & BoneFit Wednesday

In Partnership with Waterloo Wayside in Uptown Waterloo

Location: Emmanual United Church 22 Bridgeport Rd W, Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y3

Parking & Entrance: Off Albert Street, at the back of the building, on the north side of Bridgeport. Waterloo Wayside phone number (519) 886-1471

Register by Contact Us

Fee: Donation to Waterloo Wayside…donate what you can to help support this Community Program 

Waterloo Wayside Program information


Virtual Zoom Group Classes Live

…enjoy yoga from the comfort of your home

11am Yoga for Healthy Aging Chair Yoga & BoneFit Monday

10:30am  Therapeutic Back Care Basics Tuesday & Thursday

12noon  Therapeutic Restorative Yoga Sunday & Friday

Register for Virtual class by Contacting us

Fee: Request lates fees when you contact us. We accept e-transfers.

On Demand Classes

To find out more & to register  Contact Us

Concussion Friendly Yoga

In our concussion friendly yoga studio we incorporate GLED Therapy, Mindfulness Meditation & Gentle Trauma Informed Restorative Relaxing Yoga to help with your concussion recovery.

Delivered by instructor with lived experience/ a concussion.

Baby & Me Yoga

In baby and breast feeding friendly yoga studio we enjoy yoga with our baby and learn tools for mom.

Delivered by Mom of three.


Contact us for more information and to register


Try these classes with our Instructor who  trained 6 years at a Professional Ballet School

Ballet Barre 

Core Strength

Dancer Yoga

Elite Athlete Yoga

Contact us for more information and to register


Gift Certificates 

Available in any amount

Payment can be made by:


Our Classes:




Back Care 

Join us to pamper your back with some gentle therapeutic stretches and other care tools for your back.


Chair Yoga


If getting down onto the floor on a yoga mat is not for you, try our gentle Chair Yoga class. We blend BoneFit Osteoporosis Canada principles for fitness professionals techniques with  Victoria Order of Nurses (VON) Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together (SMART) gentle exercise principles to deliver a safe class for all seniors. To register Contact us

In person Socially Distanced Classes

….max 4 people

11:30am Friday & Sunday

Relax, Rejuvenate with Gentle Therapeutic  Yoga

Private Classes

It’s easy to book your private class, just Contact Us

You choose the day, time, location, and package that will help you achieve your personal goals. We customize every private class to meet your needs.

New this year, we created four therapeutic packages that will save you 20-over 50% off our regular fees. See below for details.





Click on the link to learn more about Innovative Wellness, our credentials and some of our programs Innovative Wellness info video



Therapeutic Yoga

Stiff Body

Back Pain

Head Aches






Dementia / Alzheimers

Mood Disorders


Multiple Sclerosis Cancer, etc



YOGA for all ages, stages of life and abilities

Pre-Natal Yoga

Prenatal yoga helps moms pause to connect to their body and baby during pregnancy.  Reduce stress, maintain strength and flexibility, and practice breathing and alignment with our experienced yoga therapy instructor, and mom of three. Innovative Wellness offers yoga classes for moms to be in whatever way works best for mom. Small group and private? In person at our home studio or live virtual class at your home? With your partner or just you?


Mom & Baby Yoga


Family Yoga

Partner Yoga

Seniors Yoga



Online Chair Yoga

Mondays 11am

Exercise safely in the comfort of your own home with BoneFit Trained , VON Gentle Exercised Trained,  Trauma Informed Therapeutic Yoga Instructor Jayne Hembruff.

This class is designed to safely build your strength while using a chair while following BoneFit and VON gentle exercise principles and techniques as well as bringing in some therapeutic yoga practices.

Seated classes are designed for people who have an injury, chronic health condition, for those who have lost function in their lower body and/or those who cannot or choose not to work on the floor.

Equipment you will need:

  • A stable chair or large exercise ball (if feel you can use it safely to sit on during class)
  • Weights: this can be actual weights if you have them or can be creative and use anything that has 1lb, 2lb, 3lb, 5lb weight to it such as water bottles, cans, bottles, bags of rice, etc
  • Strap – TheraBand, yoga strap, belt or tie
  • Straight stick or pole (broom stick handle, bamboo pole, etc)
  • 2 yoga blocks, Or get creative using two thick books, piece of wood

Payment can be made by:




Private Classes

It’s easy to book your virtual class just Contact Us

Request the style of class that suits your needs the best:

 Chair Yoga

Back Care Basics

Ballet Class with Leela who is home from professional Ballet School


Family Yoga – have some fun with your kids

Foot Care and Foot Strengthening

Relax, Rejuvenate & Restore

Stiff Bodies



Yoga & Cardio Blast


Please keep checking this website for Schedule Updates

Any questions  Contact Us

Book your spot by emailing jayne@innovativewellness.ca


Please keep checking this website for updates.

Any questions  Contact Us


Our approach to Therapeutic Yoga

We take a gentle trauma informed therapeutic approach that focuses on creating:

  1. Self awareness  PAUSE to notice ….are you feeling stressed? Where are you emotionally right now? Do you have any aches, pain. limited range of motion. Is the mind calm?
  2. Self regulation  “NEVER go into ouch zone…yoga is NOT about being a pretzel; its about gentle exploration” Non harming of one self by not forcing the body into poses that increase ones pain. Also speaking positively to yourself.
  3. Self care tool  Leaving each class with at least one self care tool to  help improve quality of life.

We make house calls; bring yoga to you

“My neck feels so much more relaxed after class”

“Last night (yoga) was exactly what I needed, thank you.  I left

feeling so relaxed”

“My back feels so much better after just one class”

“I really benefited from Jayne’s extensive training and experience. “


Dementia Friendly Yoga Program


Our Waterloo Studio is located at:

262 Casswell Court, Waterloo

(Close to Weber & Columbia area and Conestoga Mall )

Back Care Basics

Learn effective ways to gently loosen up your stiff body, bad back and decrease pain.

Try techniques to spare your spine of unnecessary strain and how to strengthen it gently and safely.

Private Classes

1:1 instruction

  or book as many people as you like in your location

or here at my studio a maximum of six people t

HOUSE CALLS: Bring us to you 

We bring yoga and/or dance to you at your location for one person or as many as you like.

Hello Jayne, I just wanted to say thanks for the (private)  lessons and to let you know that our mom (who is in her 80’s)  really enjoyed them and got a lot out of them.  She’s a beginner and it was good for her to have some one on one time with you. Yesterday she even invited a neighbour to do some yoga with her!  And she said she was practicing some of the breathing techniques and sleeping better.  Success!  So thanks again.

Sunday afternoons Private classes



Trauma Informed Therapeutic Yoga


Corporate Yoga


We work with all ages

Family Yoga

WATERLOO Community Seniors Chair Yoga

Wednesday 10:30am-12noon On hour gentle chair yoga followed by tea, coffee, light snack and social time

Location: Emmanuel United Church, 22 Bridgeport Road West, Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y3

Note: This FREE community chair yoga program is possible due to Waterloo Wayside and generous donations

For more information Phone:(519) 886-1471 or visit  http://www.waterloowayside.org


Therapeutic Groups

Roadway through Grief

Facilitated by Jayne Hembruff and Laurie Blakie of Blakie Psychotherapy

Contact us for details.

Caregiver, the Journey: Steps to Resilience

Please email jayne@innovativewellness if you are interested in this group



…learn how to feel less overwhelmed, worried and stressed

E-mail jayne@innovativewellness.ca to book your seat.

Space is limited.

Fee: $20

 only $30 for two if  you bring a friend or family member

If your child(ren) do not want to attend…no problem. We welcome parents without their kids too.

See our video pitch




Innovative Wellness

Specializes in trauma informed therapeutic yoga  for mental and physical wellness.  Jayne has completed over 700 hours of yoga teacher training, taught over 17,000 classes, plus practiced yoga for over three decades. In addition, she has completed the Osteoporosis Canada BoneFit training for fitness professionals, Mental Health Commission of Canada’s Mental Health First Aid, Canadian Mental Health Association’s SafeTALK training, Victoria Order of Nurses Gentle Exercise training, plus more.

Trained in yoga for  all ages and abilities including yoga for trauma, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, concussions, Cardiac Rehab, MS, Parkinson’s, Back Care, Chair Yoga, Pre-Natal, Yoga with Baby, and Family Yoga.


We offer private and group classes at our cozy home studio in Waterloo, out in the community throughout KW, as well as we take yoga to your home, workplace, team, groups, etc.If our group classes do not fit your schedule, no problem, just contact Jayne to request another day, time and location.

Email jayne@innovativewellness.ca to learn more.


If our group classes do not fit your schedule, no problem, just contact Jayne to request another day, time and location.

Email jayne@innovativewellness.ca to learn more.



All yoga classes are taught through a therapeutic lens with a focus on creating self awareness, self care and self regulation (not harming self physically or mentally).

IHW_CardBackGentle Yoga

We will explore the gentle side of yoga through various gentle yoga poses. We will begin by creating self awareness and work to care for our self. Ensuring we do not harm ourselves mentally or physically.

IHW_CardBackRestorative Yoga

This is a very slow moving class and allows your body to be fully supported by props like pillows. It is the most gentle style that moves very that will never create a sweat. It allows one to completely unwind, relax and restore. It is ideal for people with chronic stress and muscle tension.?Jayne trained with both Judith Lasater, creator of Restorative Yoga and Cindy Lee.

IHW_CardBackBack Care Basics

Learn effective tools and techniques to?care for your back. We begin each class in the unloading position to reduce pressure on the back, learn spine sparing strategies, and explore various BoneFit approved poses. Suitable for even the stiffest of bodies.

ihw_cardback.jpgChair Yoga Yoga

Chair Yoga is a gentle exploration of yoga poses while using a chair. The emphasis is on maintaining spine sparing techniques, strengthening the core while moving gentle into and out of various chair yoga poses. Suitable for everyone who cannot work on the floor.

Yoga Flow

Yoga Flow class is a more challenging class geared for those who already know the basic yoga poses and any required modifications. We take yoga poses and blend them into a beautiful flowing sequence.

Sleep Aid logo jpg

Sleep Aid..Yoga for a good night’s sleep

Learn tools and techniques to help you get a good night sleep.

innov_backPre-Natal Yoga

Pamper your body, mind and spirit?during pregnancy with gentle poses design to prepare you for labour, delivery and the arrival of your precious baby. Contact us to coordinate a good time for this class.

2015 Yoga-Tastic...yoga dude holding wordsYoga with Baby/Toddler

Enjoy some self-care and pampering.

Bond with your baby (Moms with multiples are welcome and encouraged to participate) and/or toddler.

Meet other Moms and caregivers with babies.

Jayne’s Yoga Den is a breastfeeding friendly environment.

Post Natal yoga with your Baby is ideal for parents, grandparents and caregivers with babies and/or toddlers . This class focuses on providing physical relief from repetitive daily activities such as lifting, carrying and feeding, and aims to aid in recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, and stress. It is a great opportunity to connect with other parents and caregivers and learn how to integrate yoga into your new life. It is a great way to connect to your baby while you do yoga poses with your baby. You may also completely pamper yourself while your baby to sleeps or plays.

2015 Yoga-Tastic...yoga dude holding wordsFamily Yoga yoga with your child(ren)

Yoga is a great activity that you can do with your child no matter what age!

Hop onto your magic yoga mat and let’s go on some yoga-tastic adventures! We may visit the ocean and transform into a whale, dolphin, sword fish, or sea turtle. Or we may stretching like a cat, be tall and strong like a mountain, balance like a blue heron, roar like a lion, cool off with the milk shake breathe, roll like a steam roller, flip upside  down like a bat and be peaceful like sleeping beauty. All these poses help build  self awareness and self confidence.

We will also experiment with family poses like ice cream scoop, partner sail boat, canoe, airplane, car, and down dog train. We may also experiment with group poses like forest or fence and yoga games to further develop group skills

While enjoying these adventures, we  infuse learning from science and other disciplines with a focus on building self awareness, self care tools and self-esteem.

Yoga promotes mindfulness, as well as strong healthy bodies and brains.

This class promises fun for the whole family.

Jayne’s Yoga Den is a breastfeeding friendly environment.

2015 Yoga-Tastic...yoga dude holding wordsKIDZ Yoga

This Yoga-Tastic Program is design specifically for kids. Exploring the various poses in a fun way to help children develop self awareness, learn self care tools, and improve self regulation. Each class we will take an adventure on our magical yoga mats.

BallroomFitLogoFinal_1Ballroom Fit

No Partner Required. BallroomFit is a unique new gentle fitness class that blends the basics of waltz, foxtrot, quickstep, cha cha, rumba, samba and jive with BoneFit approved strengthening for the core. Suitable for all ages and abilities including people in walkers, and wheel chairs.

BallroomFitLogoFinal_1Beginner Ballroom Line Dancing

No Partner Required. Enjoy beginner level line dancing to ballroom music.?Let’s have fun dancing to ChaCha’s,  jive,  waltz , etc

BoneFit Trained Certificate for Jayne Hembruff_jpgStrong Bone Strong Bodies

Classes are taught by Bone Fit Trained instructor and according to the participant’s ability and modifications given when needed. This fitness class is for all levels and each move incorporates Bone Fit approved exercises. Individual BoneFit assessments available. It?incorporate the latest recommendations for maintaining bone fitness, and improving daily activities for those living with or at risk of osteoporosis. Each class will focus on fall prevention.

Tabata Toning Plus

Enjoy the benefits of the Tabata method of moving for 20 seconds then taking a 10 second break. This is a great way to tone and improve your cardio. Jayne infuses gentle exercise, BoneFit techniques and gentle yoga. The focus is on working in a safe range to spare your spine, develop your core, strengthen in good alignment, have fun while increasing your cardio, as well as improving your balance, and ending with a great stretch.

Mindful Meditation

Mindful meditation allows us to practice present moment awareness. We will explore various styles of meditation.

Contact us to book you your private class at your location or ours.


Family Body Based Programs_screen

Mind based_screen


“YOGA ON THE GO” we bring yoga to you. Your home, your workplace, etc. To book please call  226-476-1303.

Jayne’s Yoga Deck

Located conveniently near Weber and Columbia, near Waterloo North Police Station and Grain Harvest Bakery.

When it is warm outside, you  have the option to enjoy a yoga class outside  on our west facing yoga deck. Perfect for watching the sun set, stars and listening to wind move through leaves and birds singing.Cozy Warm Waterloo Yoga Den

Our cozy warm yoga den, is dimly light with candles. At the beginning of each class, fresh herbal tea is served. In the winter we make cinnamon apple,  lemon ginger honey, very berry, mango cardamon or blueberry maple. In the summer we pick chocolate mint from our garden, or serve other local fresh fruit and herbs. This allows you to unwind before yoga.

Kitchener: Grand River Rocks:

50 Borden Ave, Kitchener (at Charles, just north of Ottawa). This warm cozy space is nestled in the newer section of Grand River Rocks. It has  beautiful hard wood floors with lights that dim, blocks and straps. Yoga mats available to rent. Jayne teaches at this location WEDNESDAYS 7pm Family Friendly Yoga and FRIDAYS 7pm Power Yoga 

Workshops and Public Speaking:

  • “Combating Caregiver Fatigue”

  • “Shrug off Stress in Seconds””Living the Dream”

  • “Caregiver Fatigue”

  • Exercise your Brain and Engage your Mind

  • “Empower Women to share their Voice –a public speaking workshop”

  • “Dealing with Difficult People: Do’s & Don’ts”

  • “Relax, Re-juvenate and Restore”


Key Elements of Successful Health and Wellness Programs. Stage Three: Planning and Implementation“?

This webinar will delve into the planning and implementation of health and wellness initiatives to ensure they are aligned with company objectives and generate desired results. We have identified 5 key elements for consideration as you map out the shape and objectives of your H&W program. Participants will learn what steps are needed to plan health and wellness activities in their organization. Through collaboration with internal staff and outside experts you can build the necessary programs and policies that help support employee health in areas that are important to them. Programs customized to the needs of your workforce and based on the research, guidance and expertise required to maximize impact and ROI of your health and wellness efforts. This is a critical stage of your program development and will ultimately result in success or failure. ?

Who Should attend:

1-Executives interested in taking employee performance to the next level.

2-Corporate, Financial and?HR?Executives-Managers, Directors and Vice Presidents
3-C-Suite executives interested in developing an effective wellness program
4-Health, Wellness and Safety coordinators
5-Group insurance administrators.

Listen on line to?YOGA-TASTIC,YogaTastic_Logo??The Canadian Self-Regulation Initiative (CSRI) has just posted a?new webinar, ?Yoga as an effective tool to enhance a child’s ability to self-regulate??You may view the latest post at?http://www.self-regulation.ca/resources/webinars/?This webinar begins with an introduction by Dr. Stuart Shanker. Followed by an overview of how yoga can assist children of all ages and abilities to STOP and listen to their bodies and minds, develop self awareness, and learn techniques on how to become more calm, alert and optimize their learning experiences inside and outside of school. This presentation was designed and delivered by Jayne Hembruff, President of Innovative Wellness and ??expert on yoga for children? for the Canadian Self Regulation Initiative.

We would like to invite educators, parents, grandparents and others working and interacting with children, youth and teens to watch this webinar. ?Our greatest hope is that you will go away from this webinar with a greater understanding and appreciation of how much yoga will do for children, youth and teens, as well as be motivated to enjoy the benefits of yoga for yourself too. Our dream is to get YOGA-TASTIC into every classroom across Canada.

Speaker forThe Speakers Bureau for Business and Education Partnership of Waterloo Region (http://www.bus-edpartnership.org)

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Suicide Prevention

Let’s stop the silence…..

September 10th was  World Suicide Prevention Day.  Innovative Wellness has been a very  proud community partner with our Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council (WRSPC).

This year WRSPC has created a Virtual Wellness Fair.

Here is a direct link to the Virtual Wellness Fair on their website.



World Suicide Prevention Day 2021 – Virtual Wellness Fair