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Calm, Alert and Ready to Learn: Preparing children for Managing Stress


Dr. Stuart Shanker, a leader in the field of self regulation and founder of Canadian Self Regulation Initiative, states that, “for a lot of kids, people are always telling them to sit still or calm down, But rarely are they instructed on how to do these things”.

By using Innovative Wellness’ “Yoga-tastic” model, children are are empowered to build a customized tool kit of techniques to access whenever they need a dose of calm, or a dose of alertness.

Read more by visiting www.theholisticparent.ca page 22-24

Click here to see photos?http://www.theholisticparent.ca/#!Calm-Centred-Ready-to-Learn-Yoga-Poses/cah3/7C2A4B53-2C42-4DBD-B2A0-41C381224B46

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