Cancer: Kids Raising $$ for Cancer, Clothing & Food
2017 Spooky Tours 8th Cancer Fundraiser
Result: $1,000 for Cancer, Clothing for the homeless, Food for the Food Bank & 200 visitors to visit our haunted house
See photo’s at
Read article
Event hosted by: Sisters, Kia & Leela. Two Teens raising money for cancer, clothing & Foood
Location: “L’hôtel de la Morte” 262 Casswell Court, Waterloo, Ontario (The kids will transform our home to a haunted hotel)
Spooky Tours has morphed to help our community in 3 ways – raise money for cancer research, clothing for our homeless and food for the food bank. Spooky Tours was created 8 years ago by siblings; Kia and Leela, for kids and Halloween lovers of all ages.
In 2009, the children hosted their first Spooky Tours for Cancer. The idea was born out of the desire to raise more money and awareness about cancer. Their passion was ignited when their three-year-old friend survived a grim cancer diagnosis. After their friend was released from hospital in 2006, they began participating with him in the twelve-hour Relay for Life, but they wanted to do even more.
A dozen enthusiastic volunteers have been working tirelessly on a French hotel themed Spooky Tours named “L’hôtel de la Morte”. Leela Taggar who is attending L’école Supérieure De Ballet Du Québec inspires the French theme. Though her physical body will not be attending Spooky Tours, her spirit will be.
Every year, the children expand Spooky Tours. It began its humble beginnings in the garage with children from their street attending and raising $5. Last year, in their 7th year, they expanded it to three floors of their home, 200 people of all ages attend and raised nearly $1,000, plus clothing for the homeless. This year, the kids are adding a backyard component and hoping to attract over 200 guests and raise $2,000 for Cancer Research plus clothing for the homeless and food for the food bank.
Spooky Tours is ONE weekend only!!!
This event is held at our home, which will be transformed to “L’hôtel de la Morte”. 262 Casswell Court, Waterloo, Ontario.
Help us reach our goal of $2,000 for Cancer,
+ Food for the food bank + Clothing for our homeless
You can help by:
- Visiting our Oct 20thweekend Spooky Tours Haunted House: Please invite all your family and friends too.
You are encouraged to book your tour time via email Spookytours4cancer@gmail.comor text 226-317-3043.
Wear their favourite costumes and post photos on social media with the hashtag #spookytours4cancer.
- Donating:
- a) $$$
If unable to attend Oct 20th weekend; no problem.
We accept donations. You can drop them off, in person, electronically by e-transfers. If you donate by Oct 22nd, you will enter your name to win the door prize of your choice. Donations over $25 will receive a tax receipt from Canadian Cancer Society.
- b) Food to the Food Bank
- c) Clothing for the homeless. We will donate all used clothing to Waterloo Wayside’s Share Wear program.
- Buying a T-Shirt:Buy a super cool Spooky Tours T-shirt for only $25
Volunteering: Volunteers are needed to help prep and promote our haunted house. As well as during the Oct 20thevent, And clean up Oct 22, and 27thweekend.
Visiting our Oct 20th weekend Spooky Tours Haunted House at 262 Casswell Court, Waterloo
When you arrive to “L’hôtel de la Morte”, our host will greet you outside. You will have a chance to play our ball toss game. Depending on the day, you may even see a real fire truck too!
Spooky Tours has three levels of “scary”:
- Level one is not scary and is ideal for those who do not like the dark or being scared. Guests will explore the ballroom.
- Level two will be a blend of not scary and a little scary. On a level two, tour guests will explore the “Suite d’amour maudite” (honeymoon suite) and the ballroom with the tour guide. Alone guests are welcome to explore the “Jardin de Terreur” (Garden of Terror).
- Level three is scary! This is intended only for those who say “you cannot scare me”. The tour guide will begin on the little scary level, then if the participant is brave enough, will continue the tour to “Torture Cuisine” (the Kitchen). Alone the scares will continue to the “Jardin de terreur” (Garden of Terror).
Admission is a donation to Canadian Cancer Society, food to the food bank and/or clothing for the homeless.
Donate however much you like.
For every $5 donated, you will receive one door prize ballot for a chance to win one of our great door prizes.
2017 Door Prizes include:
- Yoga class donated by Innovated Wellness (I hour private)
- Massage donated by 5 Dearborn Health’s registered massage therapists (30 minute)
- Blizzard Cake donated by Dairy Queen
- Body Brain Balance ….for families who feel overwhelmed worried stressed (4 passes) donated by Innovative Wellness
- SkyZone (4 passes)
- Handyman gift certificate donated by Get ‘R Done
- Chocolate Halloween Pops donated by Rocky Mountain (6)
- Ballroom class donated by Innovative Wellness (1 beginner private class)
- Moving to Music class donated by Kia (1 hour private class)
- Value Village Gift Basket
- Starbucks Gift
- Essential Oils gift certificate donated by Debbie Gillies
- “Spa-Dent” (in office tooth whitening) donated by Eastbridge Dental
- Halloween Build-A-Bear (built) donated by Lynda Dawkins
- Cabbage Patch Doll donated by Lynda Dawkins
Please note: If you are seeking a tax receipt $5 per person will be taken off to help us cover our cost of creating our Haunted House (For example give $100 – your tax receipt will show $95 donation)
None of this could be possible without the support of the amazing people and businesses of Waterloo Region.
Thank you to the many local businesses that have helped this year:
– Value Village Waterloo provides unique one of a kind costumes and door prize
– Westmount Signs generously donated all our print material
– Home Depot Waterloo supplying some of the spooky craft supplies
– Innovative Wellness for providing the space, support and a door prize
– Plus all the other local businesses that have donated gift certificates and door prizes
For more information check out our website
Home of Spooky Tours: 262 Casswell Court, Waterloo
Home phone of Spooky Tours: 519-886-5021
Kia Taggar text 226-317-3043
FaceBook: @ SpookyTours
Twitter: @SpookyyTours (note: has 2 Y’s)
Instagram @spookytours
Hastag: #spookytours4cancer
We look forward to seeing you next weekend Oct 20th .
Our Mayor Dave Jaworsky has confirmed her will attend; possibly Friday Oct 20th.
We are hoping all local media, and our other local politicians like, MPP Catherine Fife, MP Bardish Chagger, past Mayor Brenda Halloran, city counsellors will join us for our 8th Spooky Tours.
Kia & Leela – Teens raising money for cancer
Creators & Coordinators of 8th Annual Spooky Tours Haunted House Cancer Fundraiser .. Oct 20-22
Recipients of 2016 Leading Girls award
Home of Spooky Tours: 262 Casswell Court, Waterloo
Home phone of Spooky Tours: 519-886-5021
Kia Taggar text 226-317-3043
Jayne’s Hembruff (Kia & Leela’s mom) Text 519-998-822
FaceBook: @ SpookyTours
Twitter: @SpookyyTours (note: has 2 Y’s)
Instagram @spookytours
Hastag: #spookytours4cancer
T-shirts….only $25
2016 Spooky Tours
Kia and Leela are already busy preparing to make 2016 Spooky Tours even bigger and better than 2015.
The girls goal is to raise $2,000 for cancer.
Please mark you calendars for the
3rd weekend in October
Oct 14, 15, 16, 2016
2015 Spooky Tours
Thank you to everyone who helped make 2015 Spooky Tours a success!
You helped raise $1,374.55 for Cancer

Spooky Tours gives Canadian Cancer Society $1,374.55 On right Sarah Hintermayer Fundraising Assistant Canadian Cancer Society, Waterloo Region Community Office; Kia Taggar Creator of Spooky Tours, Leela Taggar Creator of Spooky Tours; Ashley Community Fundraising Specialist. Canadian Cancer Society
If you would like to donate, you can online by the link above
Listen to CBC radio ?Kitchener-Waterloo,Amanda Grant Spooky Tour audio story–
Spooky Tours in the Newspaper?
? ?? 570 News helps promote Spooky Tours 2015h570 News helps promote Spooky Tours 2015
Halloween is right around the corner but local siblings are hoping to kick things off early, in the name of cancer research.
After a friend was diagnosed with brain cancer and given a 2% chance of living, Kia, along with her brother and sister, started hosting haunted houses to raise money for research.
Luckily their friend beat his battle with cancer, but the kids continued their annual haunted house fundraiser to help others fighting off the disease.
Kia tells us this weekend is their 6th annual Spooky Tour!
?This year we?re doing a circus theme Spooky Tour, last year we did mad-sciencist. This year we have three levels of spookiness and it?s gotten huge.?
She says they?ll also have circus theme treats and games.
This years goal is to raise $1000.
You can find more details on their website.
CTV news also came out Friday, Oct 16th and interviewed Kia and the Spooky Tours. It aired Friday 11:30pm.
2015 Spooky Tour Stats:
1, 125 hours of work went into preparing, hosting and still cleaning up the event….as I write you there are 3 enthusiastic twelve year olds who are cleaning up…it may be days or even weeks until our home is back
Over 100 guests were brave enough to go through Spooky Tours this weekend including our Mayor Dave Jaworsky, our MPP Katherin Fife, 2 of our candidates, Bradish Chagger and Diane Freeman, Canadian Cancer representative Sarah Bradshaw.
25 volunteers helped every day to put on Spooky Tours. 8 of which slept over last night and woke up today at 7am. Thank you volunteers!!! And a special thank you to Alex of SparkGig for all your help. Spooky Tours would not have been as successful without all your help. Kia, Leela and I really appreciated your help. Plus we cannot forget to mention all the behind the scenes animatronics repair guys too. Saturday night, we even had a special appearance by Spiderman.
$600 worth of door prizes were generous donated by local businesses (Thank you Star Bucks, Canadian Tire, Game Day, National Sport, Value Village, Innovative Wellness, Beechwood Pharmacy, Dearborn Health, Oz Hair)
$550+ worth of donations to help put this event on. Plus Spirit Halloween’s generous donation of props and animatronics
Your?helped make the 5th Annual Spooky Tours a great success
- Over 80?brave people went of the Mad Scientist?Spooky Tour to see Frankenstein and the oner scary creatures. Guests included Mayor Brenda Halloran, CTV’s Nadia Stewart and the live news crew.
- A special thank you to the 2014 Volunteers and their parents. We could not have done this without you.
- $412 donated to cancer on Oct 24, 2014 weekend. We are still accepting donations and encourage people to continue to give generously to our kids Cancer Fundraiser. Three simple ways to donate 1) Drop off cash 2) Drop off or mail a cheque to Canadian Cancer Society with a note for Spooky Tours #) Online – just?google, Kitchener 2015 relay for Life, click on left blue button “Make a Donation”, click “Pledge a person or team”, type in team name “Innovative Wellness” or Jayne Hembruff and
Sat., Oct 24, 2014 Mayor Brenda Halloran after visiting the Spooky Tours for Cancer wight eh volunteers and some other guests
CTV News ??
Did you see the 6pm news Saturday, October 25th?
If not, take a look at this video
? ?
Please mark your Calendars for the 2015 6th Annual Spooky Tours
Friday, October 23? ? ?5-7pm, ? ? Saturday, October 24 ? ?4 – 8pm, ? ? Sunday, October 25 ? ?1-4pm? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Remember, children are encouraged to wear their?costumes
?Created by kids for kids of all ages
Our goal to raise at least $500 for cancer. Please support us?in reaching our?goal. All donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt form Canadian Cancer Society.
This is our?5th year for Spooky Tours and the theme is “Mad Scientist”.
New this year, you will begin your Spooky Tour by visiting the lab in the garage to see a brain, intestines and other gruesome stuff.
Then you can try the scientist latest potion to drink and spooky treats to eat.
If you are brave enough to enter the indoor lab, the scientist will take you to see Frankenstein and some of her other creepy creatures, some have escaped and are running loose.
Lab open Fri., Oct 24 6-7pm, Sat., Oct 25 2-4pm & Sun Oct 26 2-4pm .
Or call 519-886-5021 to avoid the crowds and visit the lab Fri 5-6pm, Sat 3-4pm, Sun 1-2pm
If you cannot attend the Spooky tours, you can still donate to our team on line by visiting Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life, click on Make a donation button 9blue button on the right), click on Pledge a Participant or a team, type in our team name “Innovative Wellness” or one of the team members. If ?you need help, just email or call us.
Children are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes.
This event is suitable for all ages. We have created 4 levels of spo-oo-ky:
- Level 1: All lights on, volunteer spoolers will talk to and not spook your child(ten) and no scary story on the tour
Level 2: One light is left on, and the Mad Scientist will share part of spooky story - Level 3: All Lights off, Mad Scientist will walk with her lantern through the lab and share her spooky story
New Level 4: Is for the children and adults who tell us “You can’t scare us”
New this year, avoid?the big large line ups by reserving your time.
Fri., Oct 24??reserve 5 – 6pm; public?drop in time 6-7pm,
Sat., Oct 25 ?reserve 3-4pm; public?drop in time 4-6pm,
& Sun Oct 26?reserve 1-2pm; public?drop in time 4-6pm
More specifically, you can reserve?Friday Oct 24 ?5pm, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, Saturday Oct 25 ?1pm, 1:15pm, 1:30, 1:45pm, or Sun Oct 26 ?1pm, 1:15pm, 1:30pm, and 1:45pm.
Please share this event with all your contacts. This will help us read our goal this year is to raise at least ?$500 for Cancer.
Remember, this?event is created by kids, for kids of all ages – suitable for all ages. We offer Spooky tours and spooky treats and even some Healthy Spooky Snacks.
Fee: Donation to Canadian Cancer Society Fundraiser This event is 100% created by children who have been participating in Relay for Life since 2006 with their friend and Grandma who are cancer survivors. This is also done in loving memory of their Grandpa, Momma Pollard and all those who died from cancer. Please?give generously to Canadian Cancer Society and support this fundraiser event initiated by children since 2009.
2014 Spooky Tours Photos – Mad Scientist & Frankenstein

CTV News Nadia Stewart reporting live from Spooky Tours Sat Oct 25, 2014
The story of how the Spooky Tours began:
In 2006, our friend who was three was diagnosed with brain cancer and given very low percentage of survival…however he fought and ?is alive today. Once our friend was well enough to be out of the?hospital his Mom asked if we would like to join them in the Relay for Life (that was in 2006 and we have been participating ever since). We enjoy Relay for Life,?especially the candle lighting in remembrance of the loved ones like our?Grandpa, Momma Pollard, Great Uncle, and we celebrate those who are winning the fight against cancer like our friend who is now 11 and both of our?Grandmas.
During the 2007 Relay for Life, we told our Mom we?wanted to raise more $$ for cancer. Mom?suggested we?create an event for kids by kids, so we?did. In 2008, the we?came up with the concept of the Spooky Tours (ages 9, 7 and 5 years old) since we loved to scar our brother trying different spooky things. In?October 2009 we?held our?first Spooky Tours event in the garage, then a couple years ago they expanded and took over moms?yoga den. This year we expanded again and are now int he garage and yoga den.
Oct 24, 2014 weekend was?our?5th year for Spooky Tours. Our cancer survivor friend has moved away form KW, however, we would wanted to ?continue the Spooky Tours Fundraisers to keep raising more money for cancer. We have some of the same volunteers and have recruited a few new ones. All of us our kids ranging in aged from?11-15 years old. We have been busy all fall promoting the event at the Butterfly Release for Waterloo Region Suicide?Prevntion at Kitchener City Hall, at Growing Up Healthy Event at Kitchener’s Family Centre, at our school, in our neighbourhood and and we have asked mom to mention it to all the groups she teaches. This year we have all new costumes, new potion to drink and some new and old favourite spooky treats.
Children are encouraged to dress up to attend this weekends spooky tours.
2013?Spooky Tour Photos
2012 Spooky Tour Photos

Join our 2015 Innovative Wellness Relay For Life Team
Come for the full 12+ hours or just drop in to say hi
4pm set up and eat dinner
6:30pm Opening Ceremonies
7pm Cancer Survivor Lap
10pm Light Luminaries
12midnight Pizza
7am Walk finishes
4th Annual Spooky Tours for Cancer Oct 27, 2013??raised $178 for Cancer?
October, 2014 for our 5th Spooky Tours?
Suitable for all ages. We offer Spooky tours and spooky treats
Fee: Donation to Canadian Cancer Society?Fundraiser This event is 100% created by children who have been participating in Relay for Life since 2006 with their friend and Grandma who are cancer survivors. This is also done in loving memory of their Grandpa, Momma Pollard and all those who died from cancer. Let?s give generously to Canadian Cancer Society and support this fundraiser event initiated by children since 2009.
Location: Weber & Columbia. Contact us for details
Scroll down to see more pictures
Relay for Life – walking 12 hours for Cancer
We would like you to join our team?
June 14, 2013 a ten year old on Team Innovative Wellness walked 50 laps (400m X 50 = 20km). That is 20km!!!
Family Yoga at Relay for Life 2013?
Theme “Every Moment Matters”
Karma Yoga Project by Kids: ?Cancer Fundraiser
This Fundraiser is 100% created by children who have been participating in Relay for Life since 2006 with their friend and Grandma who are cancer survivors. This is also done in loving memory of their Grandpa, Momma Pollard and all those who died from cancer. Let?s give generously to Canadian Cancer Society and support this fundraiser event initiated by children since 2009.
We?would like to thank all of you who helped make the 3rd Annual SPOOKY TOURS?2012 a success with over 70 people ranging in age from 2 years old to people over 70 years.
A special Thank you to Connie of TruPrint for generously donating all the invitations, posters and lawn signs.
Photos from from previous Spooky Tours:
SPOOKY TOURS ?give thanks for our health and support those fighting cancer.
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