Tag Archives: kw

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Yoga Walks 12:30pm Thursdays…paused


Yoga Walks Paused Until Further Notice Join our free Community Yoga Walks 12:30pm every Thursday Contact us   to register and learn where we will be meeting each Thursday. A Yoga walk is blending a walk with some yoga. At the Beginning, I will lead some joint freeing series and gentle stretches, then we will walk […]

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Private Therapeutic Packages to help you meet your goals …save 20% – over 40%


  Since 2006. we have worked with thousands of clients. Each with their own unique goals, and challenges. Private trauma informed therapeutic yoga classes are customized to you. Our clients have included those living with mild to serous mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, dementia, schizophrenia, and other mood disorders. Also work with trauma survivors […]

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Social Contact Promotes Enhanced Health, Well-being and Longevity & Partner Yoga

Social contact promotes enhanced health and well-being states Coan, Schaefer and Davidson. In addition, a researcher on Canada Am today (March 25, 2013) stated friends and social contact helps us live longer. Therefore, it only stands to reason then that partner yoga and would also help to?enhanced health, well-being, and longevity. Source: Coan, J., Schaefer, […]

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