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Improve your Mental Wellness with Nature

While driving with ?my sixteen year old on Friday July 24, 2015, we both agreed this was some exciting news to help people of all ages.

Dr. Shimi Khan, the medical director of child and youth mental health in Vancouver, says we need to get our children into nature more often to keep them healthy.

New research shows nature can make kids happier, decreases stress, decreases rates of depression, decreases behavioural problems states??Dr. Marc Bermanthat, psychologist at?University of Chicago. In fact her says just 10 trees on a city block can improve your health in the same way a $10,000 bump in income would. ?11 trees decrease cardio conditions. It is recommended that we take a long break in nature to reap the benefits.

Paul from Ottawa shared his outdoor history class marks jumped 12% compared to traditional in class history lessons. Similarly, other outdoor or forest schools said their marks improved.

Dr.?John M. Zelenski, research looks at Nature and happiness. –

The lesson: Get out and enjoy nature with your children and loved ones. We enjoy getting out camping, especially to our own little island where my teens cannot use their devices.

Now, I am off to go enjoy some yoga with my clients outside on the deck.



Nature improves mental health, test scores, etc

CBCFight childhood mental health problems with nature

Zelenski, J. M., Dopko, R. L., & Capaldi, C. A. (2015). Cooperation is in our nature: Nature exposure may promote cooperative and environmentally sustainable behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 42, 24-31.

Zelenski, J. M., & Nisbet, E. K. (2014). Happiness and feeling connected: The distinct role of nature relatedness. Environment and Behavior, 46(1), 3-23.

Zelenski, J. M., Whelan, D. C., Nealis, L. J., Besner, C. M., Santoro, M. S., & Wynn, J. E. (2013). Personality and affective forecasting: Trait introverts underpredict the hedonic benefits of acting extraverted. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(6), 1092- 1108.