Elder Abuse….where to seek help
Did you know Waterloo Region has?an?Elder Abuse Response team?
?The Elder Abuse Response Team ?is composed of Community Care Access Centre?(CCAC)?Nurse and a Police Detective.
If you are seeking help for Elder Abuse, or would like to talk to someone, please call 519-579-4607 ?or email elderabuse@wrps.ca
On Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Kate and Melanie delivered an informative presentation on elder abuse for my Community Seniors Chair Yoga Program.
Some of the points that stand out for me was:
– ?Everyone should have a power of attorney ?for your care and finances. They reminded participants to choose someone they can?trust.
– If you suspect elder abuse, call 519-579-4607. Some RED?FLAGS?are: repeated “accidental injuries“, isolated, says or hints of being afraid, appears confused or frightened, change in appearance or cognition (memory and/or concentration), withdrawn, helpless, considers or attempts suicide, concerns about finances or unable to pay the bills
– If someone shares?they are being abused, call 519-579-4607. Even if you have doubt about the claim, please call. It is better to be safe.
Other points, I would like to share are:
– Elder abuse investigation is?most commonly linked to financial abuse (approx. 45% in 2012). However, there is also neglect (35% 2009) , physical?(30% in 2010) physiological (over 15% in 2009). The least reported is sexual abuse. See graph on page 5?of attached presentation. They also shared typically their are two forms of abuse.
– Elder abuse investigation have gone from 55 in 2005 up to 157 in 2012 in Waterloo region. The presenters stated that they do not believe the incidents of elder abuse are on the rise, but only the number of people reporting elder abuse is on the rise due to educating the public.
– If you look at the call sources pie, you will notice that 29% of the calls come from long term care facilities. The presenters shared this is due to the provincial legal requirement to report suspected elder abuse.?Families, CCAC and WRPS are the next most common call sources, followed by other agencies, hospital, friends and neighbours and the victim. Even financial institutions call when they suspect financial abuse.
– Did you know, if someone reports elder abuse, the person is not automatically charged. Melanie and Kate said they?try to have everyone involved in the situation to talk at Community Justice Initiatives (519-744-6549 ext#106) to discuss why conflict happened, what can be done to repair the fur and how to prevent more harm.
Resources shared by Kate and Melanie:
?Copy of Elder Abuse Presentation
Delivered on Wednesday, Oct 21, 2015 11:30am by Detective Melanie Schmidt, WRPS and Kathryn Martinello, RN, BScN, Elder Abuse Consultant, WW CCAC
Online Resources:
Waterloo Police seniors safety/elder-abuse
Elder Abuse Response Team (EART)
Website: www.wrps.on.ca
Phone: 519-579-4607
EART is a collaborative partnership between the Waterloo Regional Police Service and the Waterloo-Wellington?Community Care Access Centre. Core funding is provided by each agency. EART?s mission is to prevent and respond to elder abuse by working in partnership with the community and by providing an opportunity for change and healing to people affected by elder abuse, thereby enhancing the safety and well-being of older adults. EART?s mandate includes providing information and consultation, direct intervention, education and training and community development.
Waterloo Regional Police Service
Phone: 519-653-7700
Preserves law and order, works to prevent crime, and provides safety and security to people and property. Provides advice and support, and will act in an emergency, when a crime has been committed, when the victim or witness wants to press charges, when police involvement will deter abuse, even if charges are unlikely. Will give advice on questions regarding criminal charges.
Victim Services of Waterloo Region
Website: www.vswr.ca
Phone: 519-585-2363
Victim Services of Waterloo Region is a not-for-profit agency providing 24 hour/7 day a week crisis intervention, emotional and practical support and community referrals to victims of crime and or tragic circumstance in the Region of Waterloo. The diversified programs include Crisis Intervention, Volunteer Program, ACCESS Program, Public Education Program, and Picking up the Pieces Program. The response is caring, skilled and effective as well as culturally appropriate with over 75 highly skilled volunteers and staff.
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