6 Tips for the Day After a Bad Night’s Sleep
6 Tips for the Day After a Bad Night’s Sleep Unfortunately for many of us, life is busy and will not wait for you to get rested. To get all the energy you can some of the leading sleep doctors offer tips on how to power through the day after a bad night’s sleep. 1.??? […]
Continue Reading...What is your Resolution?
What is your resolution? “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you” ? Oprah Winfrey. “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die?tomorrow.” – James Dean Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” ~ Dalai Lama “All our dreams […]
Continue Reading...Back Pain? Learn how yoga can help decrease your back pain.
Back Pain.?To avoid back pain, maintain good posture. Sit and stand well balanced. Also avoid twisting and bending at the same time. Each day, do some back stretches and strengtheners. A certified and registered yoga instructor can help you. Did you know,?I lived with a lot of back pain and this is why she got […]
Continue Reading...Yoga can help improve your posture
Poor posture?puts strain and wear on your muscles and bones. Poor posture may result in body parts wearing out quicker, moving fluid through the body becomes difficult and you are more prone to injury. ?Poor posture may also lead to neck and back pain, headaches, vision problems, breathing difficulties, numbness in arms,?wrists or feet. Poor […]
Continue Reading...Don’t Stress the Holidays
Dont’t Stress the Holidays This Year Focus on what is really important to you and ask for help from your family. A British study found mothers are responsible for 2 dozen jobs.? Everything from decorating the tree to buying gifts to making the Christmas feast to doing the dishes.? The survey found men are responsible […]
Continue Reading...NOW ?are you enjoying your “now”?
Do you live in the present moment? Being present in the moment is especially hard during the holidays when their are holiday gatherings, holiday shows, holiday meals, holiday gifts to buy, etc. However, I I would like to challenge you to take a little time each day to just give yourself permission to just “Be”. […]
INSTANT ENERGIZERS When you need a little boost to power through a long day, try one of these tricks: breathing, legs up, finger to upper lip, and sun salutation. i. ? Breathing in to completely fill up your lungs. By breathing into the body to completely fill up your lungs, you are bringing more oxygen […]
Continue Reading...Beware employers are researching you!
Beware employers are researching you! Our fast paced cyber based world, has some awesome inventions that allow us to put so much information online for the entire world ?to see; including our potential and current employer. Did??you know a recent poll showed that many people responsible for selecting potential new candidates admitted to being a? […]
Continue Reading...Yoga Awareness Month – how will you celebrate?
Did you know September is National Yoga Awareness Month? My first thought was no, how embarrassing especially since I have been practicing yoga since the late 80?s and teaching yoga since 2006. Don’t worry if you are like me; yoga awareness month only began 5 years ago. In 2008, the US Department of Health and […]
Continue Reading...Achieve your Goals by Keeping them Smart and Considering the “Magic Bank”
Achieve your Goals by Keeping them Smart and Considering the “Magic Bank” Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you ? Oprah Winfrey. “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die?tomorrow.” – James Dean “Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke […]
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