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Anxiety in children and youth….workshop, resources and techniques to help you and your child

Anxiety is a reality for some children. In fact, nearly one in five Ontario children under the age of 18 experiences a mental, emotional or behavioural disorder that is severe enough to seriously affect their daily functioning at home, school or within the community. The good news is that early diagnosis and treatment lead to better outcomes for children later in life. However, as a parent with a child living with anxiety, I know first hand how you may feel alone and not know what resources are available to you.

I am hoping this post/blog can help you and your child.

Through my training as a Trauma Informed yoga teacher, who offers an in patient yoga program for people living with anxiety and/or mood disorders, nearly three decades of working with people with anxiety and mood disorders, and being a mom with a child living with anxiety , I have found some tools that really do help. Last year, I wrote an article “Calm, Alert & Ready to Learn: Preparing children for managing stress”. This article shares my ‘Yoga-Tastic’ model. Please feel free to read the full articles in Holist Parent Magazine, Winter 2015 edition, page 22-24.
