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Lunch and Learns: Shrug off Stress, Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga

Innovative Wellness offers a wide range of Lunch ‘N Learns

Shrug off Stress  

Learn the latest research and techniques to help you create stress-related resilience.  


Try meditation that allows a to feel rested,  relaxed, and rejuvenated. 


How can you become more mindful during your busy work day? Learn strategies to stop being mindless and be fully engaged in the moment to provide better service. improve productivity and decision making while feeling less stressed. 


Stop, breath, stretch, and strengthen the body and the brain in a safe gentle way. Research shows yoga at work can help reduce back pain, burn out, and improve decision making. Choose from Office Chair Yoga or Yoga on the floor.

Plus also offer Lunch and Learns on:


How to Boost your Immune System during Cold and Flu season

Dealing with Difficult People

Communicating Effectively

Team Building

Stress Management

Combating Caregiver Fatigue

Living your Dream